Show your love with a stunning bouquet of roses that are unlike any other. This extravagant arrangement is designed by our professional florists to make them feel extra special on any occasion! Send our Premium Designer’s Choice Rose arrangement to the person who means the most.
Large Pedestal Vase, Greens: Leatherleaf, Salal, Flowers: Yellow Roses, Pink Roses, Yelloworange Bicolor Roses, White Waxflower.
Are you ready to spoil the one you love? With a mixture of yellow, pink, and bi-colored roses, our Two Dozen Mixed Roses bouquet is perfect for doing just that! Show them your love with these gorgeous flowers today.
Bubble Bowl Vase , Hot Pink Spray Roses , Hot Pink Roses , Hot Pink & White Lilies (Stargazer) , Pink Alstroemeria , White Waxflower , Bicolored Hot Pink & White Tulips , Light Pink Carnations , Light Pink Mini Carnations , Hot Pink Mini Carnations.
For the lover of all things pink, these romantic flowers will have them head over heels! Isn’t it Romantic is a charming arrangement with hot pink roses, Stargazer lilies, white waxflower, pink alstroemeria, pink and white tulips, and pink mini carnations. Surprise them with a moment they’ll never forget!
Show your love in a beautiful way - with fresh flowers! This stunning arrangement is the perfect surprise for your special someone. Brighten their day with our Love & Romance Special! Made for those romantic moments and designed by our expert florists, this bouquet is sure to impress!
Cube Vase, Foliage: Myrtle, Aspidistra Leaf, Green Kermit Button Poms, Hot Pink Calycina, Assorted Brightlycolored Roses, (Shown: Coral Roses, Hot Pink Roses, Peach Roses & Yellow Roses).
This vibrant bouquet is sure to liven up their day! The striking mix of brightly colored roses pairs beautifully with the green button poms and hot pink calycina, making Energetic Roses a bouquet full of color. Send the ones you love this fiery bouquet today!
Clear Bubble Bowl , Bupleurum , Green Trick Dianthus , Yellow Roses, Hot Pink Roses, Orange Roses.
This delightful bouquet packs a punch of color! With beautiful roses in shades of hot pink, orange, and yellow, Vivid Sorbet is a sweet treat, perfect for any occasion. Add a vibrant pop of color to your home today with this stunning bouquet!
Sending roses is always a special occasion. Roses are the traditional, go-to romantic gift. They are also a one of the most popular and recognized flowers in the world. No matter who you want to send flowers to, roses are a perfect choice. Send red roses for romance, white roses for respect, and yellow roses for friendship. Whatever rose you choose to send, PINK PELICAN FLORIST in Sebastian can help you!
Christmas floral arrangements now ready to go... Pink Pelican Florist is ready for your Holiday season. Order now from your favorite flower shop or call 772-388-3366